Chives are a member of the onion family (they are the smallest member). Chives will grow to about 45cm in height and produce an attractive purple flower similar to a pom-pom in shape. Chives are a perennial plant, and their flavour is great when chopped finely and used in salads, sandwiches, stir-fries, etc.
You must make sure that the soil is well weeded before introducing your chives, as they do not compete well with other plants. Adding a small amount of organic compost will help your chives’ growth and should provide all the nutrient requirements the chives need.
Plant seedlings into soil in the springtime. Chives are best grown in bunches – about 5 bulbs a bunch with the bunches spaced around 10 cm apart. Every few years you can thin the bunches back down to around 5 bulbs per bunch again.
Dividing Chives
If your plant is getting too big, you can divide the plant by splitting the plant down the middle using a spade and move half the plant to a separate container or space in your herb garden. This is an easy way to get more free plants.
When dividing the plant, make sure your spade reaches a sufficient depth so that you take out all bulbs, roots, and associated soil along with the growth above soil level.

Chives will grow well directly in soil or containers. The Chives below are in an old ceramic kitchen sink alongside some Coriander plants.

Soil type
A soil that is well drained is suitable for growing chives in. A PH of 6 to 7 is ideal for chives.
A high nitrogen content feed is not required.
How to cut Chives
Cut the chives with a pair of scissors – around 3 cm above the ground. After flowering, cut back the flower stalks.
The flowers are edible and can be used in salads.

Chives can also be used as an organic means of repelling aphids.
They are also a great plant for encouraging Bees to your garden, which will help with plant pollination.

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